Wings Of Hope

Sometimes it feels as though you've survived one storm in life only to find that you're being pummeled by yet another.  As believers, we have reason to hope, even in the midst of difficulty. Here are just a few reasons for our hope:

-In Isaiah 43:2, we read God's promise to be with us as waters rise around us and as we walk through fires of life. 

-Psalm 46:10 reminds us that we don't need to strive.  We can be still and rest in the goodness and faithfulness of our all-powerful God.  

-In John 16:33, we read the words of Jesus himself, telling us that  we WILL face trials in life, but that we can be comforted and at peace knowing that HE has overcome the world. 

-Paul reminds us in Romans 8:28 that God works ALL THINGS for the good of those who love Him and are called to His purpose.  

-And James 1:2-3, we are encouraged to rejoice in difficulty, as trials that test our faith produce perseverence.  

If you are struggling in the storms of life, I pray that this short story will encourage you....

It had been a long day. She had been busy living her purpose, happy in doing so, but the storms of life weighed heavily on her heart. Though Jesus had been with her through each storm, guiding her and carrying her when needed, she sensed another storm on the horizon. She felt weak, worn out from battling the winds of previous storms. Sitting quietly, feeling sad and discouraged, and afraid that the storms would never end, she asked the Holy Spirit to help her remember hope. He calmed her spirit, and she closed her eyes as a gentle dream began to unfold.

In her dream, she was a caterpillar inside a cocoon. Though she could feel her wings forming in the darkness, she had no idea how long this phase would last, nor what she would look like once it ended.  She knew in her heart that this time in the dark would change her forever. Days passed. She reflected, she grew, she waited. Then one day, her wings began to push against the walls of the cocoon, and she realized that the darkness was finally ending.

The emerging process was exhausting and painful at times. She often wished the light would just burst through, breaking her free with ease. But then, she heard the whisper of the Holy Spirit, reminding her of the truth that her struggle in the darkness was not in vain, for her heavenly Father would use it to help her to develop the strength and courage required for the next phase of her journey. Her wings would not be able to carry her if she didn’t first engage in this refining process.

So, she waited. She struggled. Though fear and loneliness crept in, she knew in her heart that she wasn’t truly alone. Her Heavenly Father was with her in that dark cocoon, and Jesus, the lover and redeemer of her soul, held her hand through every moment. This knowledge filled her scared little heart with peace. There was purpose in the darkness. Slowly, courage welled up inside of her. She knew that no matter how long the night lasted, she could endure it. The day would come when she would emerge, and she would be ready.

When the time finally arrived, she stretched her wings and watched in awe as they unfurled. They were more beautiful than she could have imagined, designed with intricate care. Gratitude overflowed within her as she marveled at how perfectly God had formed her wings during her time in the darkness. She could feel their strength, and she began to understand: her time in the cocoon had been preparing her to fly.

It seemed that she had just begun to flutter her wings when a strong wind began to blow. The sky grew dark, and lightning flashed in the distance. “Not again,” she murmured. “I can’t face another storm. I’m not strong enough.” Her heart pounded with fear. Then she heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “Peace, daughter. Fold in your wings. Find rest in me. I will handle the storm.”   As the storm began to rage, she obeyed and found shelter in the loving arms of her Heavenly Father. When the storm passed, she unfurled her wings once again.  She began to fly with confidence, her beautiful wings reflecting the glory of God.  She pollinated flowers in her path, watching God use the gifts He had given her during her time in the dark cocoon to bring life and beauty into the world.

She awoke feeling refreshed, and with a renewed sense of purpose. The dream had given her clarity. There was purpose in the storms of life. As He did with the butterfly in her cocoon, God was using the storms to transform her and to strengthen her for the “new thing” He was doing in her life, and she knew she was not alone in the struggle. Jesus was with her, redeeming every difficult moment for her good and His glory.  She knew that the changes He had wrought in her heart had prepared her to reflect His love and light, and to “pollinate” the lives of those He placed in her path with the truth of the redeeming power of His gospel.

Her heart overflowed with gratitude. The Holy Spirit had, indeed, helped her remember hope, and she knew that by God’s grace, she would not simply weather any storms that may come, but that He would make her stronger and more deeply aware of His love for her in their wake. 


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