A Different Way To Look At "Setbacks"
I’ve spoken/written often about getting out of your comfort zone or taking a leap of faith, and how doing so results in growth. I took a HUGE leap of faith 7 years ago and have regularly moved out of my comfort in various ways over these last few years, and this has been a springboard for growth both personally and spiritually. As I’ve stepped into the unknown and God has given me grace to increasingly allow Him to guide me on the path, my faith has grown tremendously. I’ve experienced God’s loving kindness and trustworthiness in deep and meaningful ways and have learned to listen for and discern His voice more clearly. I’ve come to enjoy the presence of Jesus walking the path God has laid out before me in ways that feel more “real” and more personal than ever before in my walk as a follower of Jesus. There have been a lot of “good” things that have happened in these several years that have been very clearly God’s blessing. I imagine I’m not alone in wishin...